Friday, June 7, 2024

nr.3 : Konjacとネオ日本食

Nowadays, we can eat so many Japanese foods, even we are not in Japan.

Moreover, some Japanese foods or cuisine name became “international” words.

Sushi, Tofu, Teriyaki, Tempura, Matcha...
I'm not 100% sure, though I think so many Japanese foods/cuisine related words are used world widely.

However when I saw “Konjac” at the first time at an Asian supermarket, I didn't think it means こんにゃく.

Konjac plant and word were imported from China, and around 918, already the word “Konjac” appeared in Japanese literature.
It seems that Konjac was originally started eat in China, though the “Konjac” wasn't eaten commonly there.

On the other hand, after Konjac was imported in Japan, Japanese people eat it a lot, used in many cuisine and now the Konjac food was exported to all over the world.
That's why, the English word “Konjac” is also used the Japanese pronunciation.
(However, the word sounds not like Japanese. As you know, こんにゃく pronounce as “ko n nya ku” in Japanese, but Konjac in English sounds “ko n ja kku”.
You can hear the English pronunciation here.)

Japan imported many food and culture from foreign countries.
For example "Ramen" and "Castella" are also imported, and they have developed in their own unique style in Japan.

I'm looking forward to see there will be more “neo-Japanese food” in all over the world. (I mean, I'm looking forward to see more Japanese foods will be popular internationally, and they will make a unique evolution in each country.)







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