Thursday, June 20, 2024

nr.5 : 日本語の文字

I believe that for many Japanese language learners, one of the biggest obstacles for starting studying may be the Japanese alphabets/characters.

As you know, there are three types of alphabets/characters in Japanese : Hiragana, Katakana, and Kanji.
Moreover, in modern Japanese, often sentences are written using also Roman characters mixed in.
Considering this, Japanese people write and read sentences with a mixture of four types of characters (plus symbols) in daily life.
It seems that not many other languages use more than two kinds of alphabets/characters and mixing them in writing.

Originally, Japanese language had no letters for writing.
However, first, Kanjis were imported from China, then Japanese people made Hiragana and Katakana based on Kanjis.
Simply explain, Hiragana is "simplified Kanji", and Katakana is "a part of Kanji".
According to the latest research, both Hiragana and Katakana were created at roughly the same time.

At elementary school etc. in Japan, often “50 characters of Hiragana and Katakana chart” posters are put up on the wall.
But actually in modern Japanese, only 46 characters are used.
It is not certain that how many kanjis are used in modern Japanese, but 2136 characters on the current Jōyō-kanji list (EN: daily-use kanji characters).

(Around 50 million Kanjis were checked for making Jōyō-kanji list which is published in 2010. So it means that at least 50 million kanji were used in Japan in the early 2000's.)

I'll write separate blog post in the future about "Katakana words", which is very likely another reason to have headaches for Japanese language learners.
But I totally understand that many people who is interested in learning Japanese feel hard taking the first step, when they think they need to understand 92 Hiragana and Katakana characters plus Kanjis to start learning Japanese.

Kanjis help us to guess the meaning of words, and Hiragana and Katakanas are helpful for further understanding of sentences.
So I believe that when people starts studying Japanese and reading texts, then they will really understand and be convinced the reason for the existence of these three kinds of characters, their differences and why Japanese people keep using all of them.

Perhaps first you feel hard to remember them.
But Hiragana, Katakana, and Kanji, all of them are indispensable characters in the Japanese language.
And they will help you to understand Japanese language better.









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