Friday, July 12, 2024

nr.8 : 日本製の漢字

As you know, Kanjis are imported from China.
We don't know exactly when Kanjis came, yet B.C. 100, already Chinese money which is written Kanji characters arrived to Japan.

I haven't learned Chinese, so unfortunately I don't know well about it. However, I know Modern Chinese has two types of Kanjis.
In Japanese, we call them Hantaiji and Kantaiji. Some characters are same, but now often Kanji (Japanese), Hantaiji and Kantaiji (Chinese) are different. (Like you see above.)

Thus, in Chinese looks different, but most of Kanjis are exist in Chinese, too.

However, Japanese has some original Kanjis, that not exist in “ancestor” of Kanji.

For example, 畑 (Kun reading: Hata, Hatake / On reading: -), 働 (Kun reading: Hatara / On reading: Dou) and 榊 (Kun reading: Sakaki / On reading: -).

Agriculture is absolutely strongly connected to Japanese culture and history, working hard is important in Japanese way of thinking, and Sakaki is one of the strongest connected plant with Shintoism.
“Made in Japan” kanjis are very likely nessesary to have for Japanese people.

One last example Japan-made-kanji 鱈 (Kun reading: Tara / On reading: Setsu) is probably Icelandic people also needed.
Because this kanji means "cod fish", which is very important word when we talking about Iceland and their culture.

I found it's interesting that the Kanji which means important fish for Iceland, where I felled in love is made in Japan.






例えば、畑(訓読み:はた、はたけ / 音読み:-)、働(訓読み:はたら / 音読み:どう)、榊(訓読み:さかき / 音読み:-)がその一部です。


「鱈」(訓読み:たら / 音読み:せつ)は、魚の「タラ」の意で、アイスランドとその文化について語るときには、必要不可欠な存在です。



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