Friday, July 19, 2024

nr.9 : 挨拶の時間

If you study Japanese using a textbook, then very often you learn greetings first.

Because almost same greetings are exist, so I think Japanese greetings translate into English is not difficult.

However for example Icelandic language has only one greeting phrase for “daytime”, which is “Góðan daginn”.
It means there is no exactly same idea greeting, which is homologized for Ohayoo (gozaimasu) and/or Konnichiwa.

So, when we speak Icelandic, we can use “Góðan daginn” while we see sun. (To tell the truth, it's not correct to say so, because the sky doesn't getting darker during summer, on the other hand, in winter we hardly see sun here in Iceland...!)
However when we speak Japanese, when should we change greetings between Ohayou gozaimasu, Konnnichiwa and Kombanwa?

Of course there is no written rule, so it depends on the person.
I personally start to use Ohayou gozaimasu around 4 o'clock in the morning, change to Konnichiwa around 11:00 A.M., and Kombanwa from ca. 17:00.

For information, I want to introduce NHK website's “Q&A” summary below.

Q: On broadcast, until what time is acceptable to use "Ohayoo gozaimasu"?
A: It seems that not many people have objections if it is used up until 9:00 A.M..

Q: When shall we start to use "Kombanwa" on broadcast?
A: It seems that it's strongly related to "how the sky is dark". So "what time" depends on generation, region and season.

How do you think?
Which time do you want to switch greetings?


しかし、たとえばアイスランド語では“日中”に使用する挨拶は「ゴゥザン ダイイン」の一つしかなく、「おはよう(ございます)」と「こんにちは」にそれぞれ対応するフレーズがありません。

ということは、アイスランド語で話すなら、太陽が見えている間は「ゴゥザン ダイイン」で良いことになるのですが…(と言いたいところですが、実際はそう簡単にはいきません。というのも、夏は白夜で冬は極夜のような状態が続くので、太陽だけを基準にしていると、夏は“夜”の挨拶が使えませんし、反対に冬は“朝・昼”の挨拶が使えないことになってしまいます)。



Q: 放送で「おはようございます」は何時まで使ってもよいでしょうか?
A: 9時までなら、違和感を覚える人は少ないようです。

Q: 放送で「こんばんは」は何時ごろから使うとよいでしょうか?
A: 「空の暗さ」が強く関係するようなので、何時かというのは、世代や地域、季節によって違いがありそうです。



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