Do you know the song “Ippon demo ninjin”?
This was (and actually “is”) one of my favorite Japanese children's song.
As you hear in the song, there are various counters in Japanese.
Once I got a question from one student regarding the number of counters in Japanese.
When I tried to find an answer for the question (2018 if I remember correctly), I couldn't find any clear number.
So we don't know how many counters exist in modern Japanese, but according to the research in 1997, many people use 141 different counters correctly.
So, actually when we started talking about counters, there are endlessly interesting topics about them.
However this time, I want to mention about one of the most beautiful counters in my opinion.
Nowadays, commonly people uses “mai” for counting flat object, such as T-shirts, handout, plate etc..
But there is an another for counting similar things, that is: “you”.
The counter “you” is written in Kanji “HA (EN: leaf)”, and as you see, “you” is used for counting thin things like leaves.
But we can use “you” for example for postcards and pictures, too.
Of course nothing wrong to say:
“Shashin ga ichi MAI arimasu. (EN: There is one picture.)”
However I think “Shashin ga ichi YOU arimasu.” sounds more grace.
As I mentioned above, counter is really interesting grammatical topic in Japanese language, so I will definitely make other blog post in the future.
Probably counters make Japanese language more complicated, but I believe that they make the Japanese more interesting language.